News and Events

What in the world is going on?

As God in the flesh, Jesus Christ provided His disciples with signs to look for as the end of the age approached. Those pointers didn’t happen then because other prophecies first needed to be fulfilled. Thus the warnings still apply today. One major indicator was, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12).

Of late, growing disregard for law appears to be on the rise, whether in references to “broken Britain.” knife crime (a term used for a specific method of murder), gang-based violence, and the alleged cover-ups of the appalling treatment meted out by abusers of children over decades.  

Some areas of the country are claimed to be no go areas. Shoplifting and other thefts go virtually ignored. Truly lawlessness does abound and frustration at the suspicion of cover-ups is creating a generally less trusting populace. So it would seem that justice is turned back and truth is fallen in the street (Isaiah 59:14).

Add to all that instability in Europe, potential for war in various places, and natural disasters such as the devastating fires in California (the losses sometimes compounded by looters) and freezing weather in the British Isles, the latter exacerbating pressure on the NHS and energy suppliers. One wonders if the next major crisis might cause society to break down completely.

Christ’s disciples need to know there is a better world beyond the troubles of today. More importantly everyone needs to understand how God instructs us to attain to that better world. To learn more, please request our booklets:

Are We Living in the Time of the End?

Forgiveness Is Possible

The quest for immortality

According to a recent report in Newsweek, Russian scientists have been told to develop treatments to halt the declining life expectancy of the nation’s populace (“Russian Scientists Told to Develop Cure for Aging”, 3 September 2024). Mikhail Kovalchuk, a physicist close to President Vladimir Putin lobbied for this project and a Kremlin source claims he “raves about eternal life and the ‘Russian genome.'”

Over millennia many have sought everlasting life. The ancient Chinese tried to ensure their immortality and thwart death, and like the Egyptians before them, employed meticulous methods in that quest. Tombs still laden with wealth testify to their belief that they could take their possessions with them into the afterlife.

Despite going to great lengths to hold onto life, no one can forestall for long the divine decree recorded in the creation epic: “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).

Conversely, the Creator defined a way to attain everlasting life, backed up by His own Word. This opportunity is available as a gift to all, not just to a select few.

Who is a candidate for eternal life? What must one do to live forever? Anyone who accepts Jesus Christ’s offer of the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23) must live by the code of conduct he expounded (Matthew 19:17-19). The Commandments serve as the foundation of God’s law showing how to express love to our fellow human beings and how to love God. Merely acknowledging the name of Christ will not suffice (Luke 6:46; Matthew 7:21).

Ancient peoples preserved the physical body in a futile attempt to achieve eternal life. Our quest for immortality can be fulfilled, but only if we walk as Jesus walked (1 John 2:6; 1 Peter 2:21). God alone provides us with the way to eternal life. Nobody else.

To learn more, please request our booklets:

Transforming Your Life

The Ten Commandments

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Beyond the storms and perils of today

The world is in turmoil. Growing louder daily are murmurings about a possible Third World War, the prospect of the fall of NATO and an expected swing to the far right in some European countries, with resulting civil unrest, some sources even suggest civil war. Ongoing situations in the Middle East and sabre-rattling elsewhere seem to reinforce this sense of foreboding.

Division is rife, with those holding one viewpoint, it seems, no longer able to argue their case calmly and logically, but instead attack, or “cancel”, those with a different opinion.

Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus spoke of dangerous times that would come before His prophesied return, warning of false religious teachers, wars and rumours of wars, famines and seismic disturbances (Matthew 24:3-8). At this time the message of His soon-coming Kingdom would be preached around the world (verse 14).

He also spoke of the time beyond these troubles when He would reign over the earth. He told the disciples that they would reign under Him over the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:27-28). We can find more detailed prophecies of that glorious and peaceful reign in the Old Testament. Scriptures like Isaiah 2:1-4; 11:1-9; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-5; Zechariah 14:9, 16-21 and so many more.

As part of the Gospel message, eternal life is also promised to those who truly follow Christ and fulfil His instructions. To learn more please request our booklets:

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Christ’s Reign on Earth: What It Will Be Like

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Why the Bible is relevant today.

Often misquoted, misrepresented and marginalised in today’s world, the Bible claims to contain the very words of God, and outlines His plans for humanity.

An Old Testament prophet spoke of a time when the Holy Scriptures would no longer be freely available – there would be a famine of hearing the word of God (Amos 8:11). Currently it is still possible to study God’s words, but for how much longer? Some would like to see the Bible become a banned book and Christians prevented from explaining their beliefs to others, or even praying for them.

Our free 12-lesson Bible Study Course is designed to walk you through the basic themes of the Bible. It will explain why the Bible is true, show you how to study more effectively, and answer some of life’s greatest questions. You will receive one lesson every month until you finish the course.

Please request our Bible Study Course  or download at:

When will peace come to the Middle East?

Once again the Middle East is in conflict, threatening to engulf the entire region in war.

Few know the background to the hatreds which fuel the atrocities we’ve recently witnessed. Yet it stems from a millennia-old family feud, which is set to intensify as we approach the end of the age. Gathering first at Armageddon, the nations of Earth will fight at Jerusalem against its returning king, Jesus Christ.

To find hope and reassurance during these troubling times, the prophet Isaiah advises, “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7). Christ’s preaching began with a call to repentance (Matthew 4:17).

To learn more how this situation could affect your life, please read our Bible study aids, The Middle East in Bible Prophecy and Are We Living in the Time of the End?

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The devil may know the Bible better than we do!

Almost two thousand years ago, Satan the devil traded Bible verses with the One who had inspired them. This encounter is recorded in Matthew 4:1-11. Satan knows the Bible well but twists it to suit his deceitful purposes.

Since we are to live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4), we must ensure that we know what the Bible truly teaches and not satanically influenced interpretations and opinions.

Beyond Today TV has produced a series of five programmes unmasking some of Satan’s devious ways.

Part 1: Satan Goes to Church

Part 2: Religious Pretenders

Part 3: Who Controls the Message?

Part 4: Satan the Identity Thief

Part 5: Satan and the Beast of Revelation

View at:

Please also read our booklets Is the Bible True? and Is There Really a Devil? Satan may be closer than you think!

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Festivals: A case of mistaken identity?

As the northern hemisphere emerges from the mid-winter festivals created by mankind millennia ago, it is worth considering why so many partake of them. Non-biblical celebrations are deeply rooted in paganism, and while professing to be Christian, participants are worshipping gods of human imagination. There is no understanding that the issues continually plaguing the world are the result of breaking God’s laws. Indeed, we live in a difficult time and in a troubled world that is on a collision course with its own destruction.

In contrast, the feast days that God declares to be His are outlined in Leviticus 23. These start with Passover in the spring, representing the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and culminate in autumn with the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day. Each of these Holy Days is ordained by God and show the stages of His awesome plan to rescue from death all human beings who are willing to obey Him. To study God’s Holy Days and their meaning for all humanity, please request or download our booklets God’s Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind and Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?

Queen Elizabeth II

We at United Church of God-British Isles are saddened by the death on 8th September of Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and prayers are with King Charles III and the Royal Family.

A cartoon in The Times newspaper for Friday 9th September had no words, simply the Union Flag flying at half-mast. At the centre of the flag was a silhouette in black of the familiar profile of the Queen’s head – illustrating that her death has left a Queen-sized hole at the heart of this nation.

Much has been said and written about our late Queen, the new King and about the Monarchy itself. Queen Elizabeth II is rightly praised for her dedication and her long life of duty and service.

Most of our country’s population has only ever known the Queen as head of state. What we are witnessing – in addition to the sadness of a family bereavement and funeral – is also a period of living history, the likes of which most people in this country have never witnessed in their lifetimes.

Thursday 8th September 2022 was a most significant day, a day when these words were proclaimed in our land: “The Queen is dead, long live the King”.

In the Bible, when King David died it is written that he rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of David [1 Kings 2:9]. Along with the sadness of the Queen’s death and family bereavement, we are also witnessing living history, and God’s involvement in mankind’s affairs [Daniel 2:20-21].

Some of the words we have heard proclaimed in recent days are indeed biblical: when Saul was proclaimed as king, the people shouted, “Long live the king!” [1 Samuel 10:24].

The behaviour of kings, queens, and rulers in general is vitally important to the work of God’s Church – Paul wrote to Timothy, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour…” [1 Timothy 2:1-3].

At this time of significant transition let us support our Royal Family in our prayers.

As for the future, that remains in God’s hands.

God save the king!

David Fenney and Frank Jarvis

See also: Reflecting on the Death of Queen Elizabeth II | United Church of God (